French vocabulary related to the American celebration of Thanksgiving |
Thanksgiving is not celebrated in France, so here is some French vocabulary related to the American holiday
Thanksgiving |
le jour de l'action de grâce | |
autumn, fall |
l'automne | |
colony |
une colonie | |
feast |
un festin, un banquet | |
football |
le football américain | |
grateful |
(adj) |
reconnaissant |
harvest |
la récolte | |
horn of plenty |
la corne d'abondance | |
native |
(adj) |
natif |
(Native American) Indians |
les Indiens (d'Amérique) | |
November |
novembre | |
parade |
une parade | |
Pilgrims |
les pèlerins | |
settler |
un colonisateur | |
to share |
partager | |
Thursday |
jeudi | |
tradition |
une tradition | |
traditional |
(adj) |
traditionnel |
treaty |
un pacte | |
tribe |
une tribu |
The food served for the Thanksgiving feast varies from home to home, but here are some traditional dishes
food |
la nourriture |
corn |
le maïs |
cranberries |
les canneberges |
gravy |
la sauce au jus de viande |
mashed potatoes |
la purée |
pumpkin pie |
la tarte à la citrouille |
stuffing |
la farce |
sweet potatoes |
les patates douces |
turkey |
la dinde |
yam |
un igname |
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