French vocabulary related to the American celebration of Thanksgiving |
Thanksgiving is not celebrated in France, so here is some French vocabulary related to the American holiday
Thanksgiving |
le jour de l'action de grâce | |
autumn, fall |
l'automne | |
colony |
une colonie | |
feast |
un festin, un banquet | |
football |
le football américain | |
grateful |
(adj) |
reconnaissant |
harvest |
la récolte | |
horn of plenty |
la corne d'abondance | |
native |
(adj) |
natif |
(Native American) Indians |
les Indiens (d'Amérique) | |
November |
novembre | |
parade |
une parade | |
Pilgrims |
les pèlerins | |
settler |
un colonisateur | |
to share |
partager | |
Thursday |
jeudi | |
tradition |
une tradition | |
traditional |
(adj) |
traditionnel |
treaty |
un pacte | |
tribe |
une tribu |
The food served for the Thanksgiving feast varies from home to home, but here are some traditional dishes
food |
la nourriture |
corn |
le maïs |
cranberries |
les canneberges |
gravy |
la sauce au jus de viande |
mashed potatoes |
la purée |
pumpkin pie |
la tarte à la citrouille |
stuffing |
la farce |
sweet potatoes |
les patates douces |
turkey |
la dinde |
yam |
un igname |
English |
French |
Ankle | La Cheville | |
Arm | Le Bras | |
Back | Le Dos | |
Beard | La Barbe | |
Belly | Le Ventre | |
Bones | L´Os | |
Brain | Le Cerveau | |
Cheek | La Joue | |
Chest | La Poitrine | |
Chin | Le Menton | |
Ear | L'Oreille | |
Eyes | L'Oeil | |
Face | Le Visage | |
Feet | Les Pieds | |
Foot | Le Pied | |
Forehead | Le Front | |
Hair | Les Cheveux | |
Hand | La Main | |
Head | La Tête | |
Heart | Le Coeur | |
Knee | Le Genou | |
Leg | La Jambe | |
Lips | Les Lèvres | |
Mouth | La Bouche | |
Muscles | Les Muscles | |
Mustache | La Moustache | |
Neck | Le Cou | |
Nose | Le Nez | |
Skin | La Peau | |
Teeth | Les Dents | |
Thigh | La Cuisse | |
Throat | La Gorge | |
Tongue | La Langue | |
Tooth | La Dent |
0 | zéro | 20 | vingt | 80 | quatre-vingts | |
1 | un | 21 | vingt et un | 81 | quatre-vingt-un | |
2 | deux | 22 | vingt-deux | 82 | quatre-vingt-deux | |
3 | trois | 23 | vingt-trois | |||
4 | quatre | 90 | quatre-vingt-dix | |||
5 | cinq | 30 | trente | 91 | quatre-vingt-onze | |
6 | six | 31 | trente et un | |||
7 | sept | 32 | trente-deux | 100 | cent | |
8 | huit | |||||
9 | neuf | 40 | quarante | 200 | deux cents | |
10 | dix | 41 | quarante et un | 201 | deux cent un | |
11 | onze | |||||
12 | douze | 50 | cinquante | 1,000 | mille | |
13 | treize | |||||
14 | quatorze | 60 | soixante | 2,000 | deux mille | |
15 | quinze | |||||
16 | seize | 70 | soixante-dix | 1,000,000 | un million | |
17 | dix-sept | 71 | soixante et onze | |||
18 | dix-huit | 72 | soixante-douze | 2,000,000 | deux millions | |
19 | dix-neuf | 73 | soixante-treize | |||
74 | soixante-quatorze | a billion |
.The French numbers 0 through 19 are easy enough
For 20 through 69, counting is almost just like in English: the tens word (vingt, trente, quarante, etc.) followed by the ones word (un, deux, trois). The only difference is that for 21, 31, etc., the word et is introduced between the tens word and one: vingt-et-un, trente-et-un, .quarante-et-un, etc
70 to 79 is trickier. In French, 70 is soixante-dix, literally "sixty-ten." 71 is soixante et onze (sixty and eleven), 72 is soixante-douze (sixty-twelve), .and so on, up to 79
80 is quatre-vingts, literally four-twenties (think "four-score"). 81 is quatre-vingt-un (four-twenty-one), 82 is quatre-vingt-deux (four-twenty-two), and so on, all the way up to ninety. 90 is quatre-vingt-dix (four-.twenty-ten), 91 is quatre-vingt-onze (four-twenty-eleven), etc
100 to 999 work just like in English, except that when you have cent at the end of the number, it takes an s, but when cent is followed by another number, the s is dropped. Also, note that you cannot pause after the word cent
200 = deux cents
500 = cinq cents
350 = trois cent cinquante
872 = huit cent soixante-douze